When is the best time for commercial heating work?

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At some point during your boiler’s lifespan, it’ll encounter a fault or two – this is an unfortunate inevitability of all appliances in our properties, and it’s important that we’re as well-prepared as possible for when a problem does occur. Being proactive with your boiler is the best way to deal with any potential issues, as it means that faults are caught before they worsen, saving you time, money and hassle. But when’s the best time to organise an inspection or maintenance of your heating system?


In terms of saving money, spring could be the best time for commercial heating work. This is because a lot of boiler companies offer older models at discounted prices as they make way for newer systems. These ‘old’ units are by no means ancient, though – they still offer excellent efficiency. Nevertheless, these boilers are often much cheaper, so you can enjoy significant savings.


At the time of writing, the UK is experiencing an unprecedented heatwave, with temperatures reaching over 30°C, which means that people aren’t needing to use their boilers for central heating. Hot water is still going to be required, for cooking, washroom facilities, perhaps work based shower facilities but on the whole, usage will be heavily reduced. As such, boiler engineers are unlikely to be swamped with call-outs, so it could be considered a good time to contact engineers without having to worry about long wait times. Supply and demand can mean higher prices, so calling out a boiler engineer during the warmer months can save you money, too.

What’s more, when the weather is pleasant, staff and patrons aren’t left in the cold.


When autumn comes around, the transition from hot summer weather to colder temperatures typically means properties turn to their boilers and limited use becomes more frequent. A combination of inactivity followed by sudden use can mean faults and breakdowns are triggered, which leads to more callouts and busier engineers. Getting your boiler checked out ahead of time will help you avoid the rush and keep your system running efficiently.


On paper, it might make sense to have boiler work done in the winter. After all, it’s the coldest season and we’ll need our boilers to be working as efficiently as possible in order to keep properties and patrons warm and water hot. However, the colder weather means boilers are more likely to break down, so boiler companies are often flooded with calls asking for engineers to come out and repair broken systems. This means that you may be faced with long wait times – not ideal if you need your boiler inspecting as a matter of urgency. Furthermore, as we’ve mentioned earlier in the piece, an increase in demand can mean higher costs to the customer.

The best time to have your boiler serviced is any time before it’s due to be used the most. Winter servicing is not advisable if you can help it – it’s a busier time, wait times can be longer, costs can be higher, and if your boiler breaks in the winter, you can be left without heating and hot water in the coldest months, which can be uncomfortable and hugely inconvenient. Being proactive is key – if it’s been a while since your boiler was serviced, get it looked at – potential faults will be caught before they cause real problems, which can save you a lot of money.

What about HVAC systems?

For HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) units, the rules on servicing are similar – it should be inspected before the period you expect to use it most, whenever that may be. For example, if you use a heater but not air conditioning, then that should be inspected before the temperatures start to drop in autumn and winter. For AC units without heating, then it’s recommended to get it inspected at the beginning of spring, before summer brings warmer temperatures.

For combination units, perhaps consider which seasons have a more significant effect on your premises. If you’re going to use your system more in the winter, then get it inspected in autumn. For summer usage, ensure it’s inspected in the springtime.

The crucial element of effective heating management and maintenance is being proactive. Without this, you run the risk of extra expense, unnecessary hassle, and an uncomfortable environment.

If you’re in need or have a question, contact the experts at Express Gas Solutions today to see how we can help you and your commercial heating system – we serve the Greater London area with our experience, skill and expertise.

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